Welcome Back!

I am a huge enthusiast of taking care of your scalp while wearing them. I recommend a gentle wash every one to two weeks depending on your scalps condition. After the cleanse gently towel dry your hair and scalp.

Hello ladies! It’s that time again. Summer time is upon us. That time of year where we find ourselves wanting a protective style, including me.

Make sure to let your scalp and braids air dry before putting them up. You can also use a blow-dryer on a low heat setting.

Very Important Tip:


Client Spotlight

Portland has been my client for over 15 years. How she became a client is actually a funny story.

Her niece called in to make an appointment for her. In that conversation, she was letting me know exactly what Portland liked, how she usually gets her hair done, and so on. From what she described I was waiting on a little old lady who possibly needed help getting into the shop to be seated.

On the day she was to come I kept looking out the door for this little old lady who liked the old hairstyles. In walks this woman perfectly capable of all the above on her own to sit in my seat, and she never left!